Item description
3 cut, right cutting countersink, form C 90°, radial undercut, for burr-free and zero chatter counter sinking, deburring and sinking. Best results with low cutting speed, good centring, good centring and chip removal. For countersinking according to DIN 74 and DIN 75.


Use for steel, cast steel alloyed and unalloyed (<900 N/mm² tensile strength), grey, malleable, nodular and die cast iron, sintered iron, nickel silver, graphite, short-chipping aluminium alloys, brass, bronze and plastics.

HSS-G Co 5 (HSS-E):
Use for steel, cast steel alloyed and unalloyed (<1100 N/mm² tensile strength), grey, malleable, nodular and die cast iron, sintered iron, nickel silver, graphite, short-chipping aluminium alloys, brass, bronze and plastics. Can also be used for hot and cold work steels, as well as rust and acid resistant steels (stainless steels V2A / V4A).
Qual­ity HSS-G Co 5
Ver­sion sin­gle coun­ter­sink
Coun­ter­sink di­am­e­ter [mm] 10,4
Tip di­am­e­ter [mm] 2,5
Total length [mm] 50
Shaft di­am­e­ter [mm] 6
for screws M 5
Further information on BOHRKS10,4HSSCO
Weight 21 g / pcs
Customs duty number 82079091
Manufacturer RUKO

All data are to be understood as non-binding reference values! We do not assume liability for any data selection not confirmed in writing. Unless otherwise specified, pressure values refer to liquids from Group II at +20°C.
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