from €2.85
(€28.50 per l)
Ver­sion Rust re­mover
Pack­ing 100 ml clas­sic spray
De­scrip­tion Pow­er­ful and fast act­ing, pen­e­trates and sep­a­rates stuck parts, highly water-​repellent, NSF H2. Tem­per­a­ture range: -20°C to max. +90°C
Entzündlich Reizend Umweltgefährlich
Further information on WD40ROSTLO-100
Weight 120 g / pcs
Customs duty number 27101290
RoHS compliant Yes
Manufacturer WD-40

All data are to be understood as non-binding reference values! We do not assume liability for any data selection not confirmed in writing. Unless otherwise specified, pressure values refer to liquids from Group II at +20°C.
Immediately available
Late ordering service
134 min left

When you place an order online Monday - Thursday from 16:30 - 21:00, or on Friday from 16:30 - 18:00, we will ship your order on request on the same day by GLS (charge: 5%, min. € 10,00).